Easy all purpose quick pickle liquid recipe. I use this for everything from onions to pineapple. You can change up the aromatics to keep it interesting!Check out the full Quick Pickling How To Video!If you enjoyed please subscribe to the Santa Barbara Baker YouTube Channel and share with your pizza friends and fam. Thank you and much love to all that have!
AromaticsAromatics of choice (ex. Bay Leaf, Coriander, Black Peppercorn, a garlic clove)
Add onions or other produce you would like to pickle into a container leaving room to cover.
Wrap aromatics in cheese cloth (this way they can be easily removed, alternatively strain before pouring, aromatics flavors will be less intense). Add to water, vinegar, salt, and sugar mix. Bring to boil.
Remove from heat and pour into container, submerging completely. You may need to weight it down. Let cool.