Pizza Margherita Baked in the Ooni Koda 16 Pizza Oven

A casual Margherita Monday bake in the Ooni Koda 16 Pizza Oven. For this bake I use the “ultra low zone” (not in the Ooni manual! Check out my vids!) to go for a longer crispier bake. I try to eat a Marg every day, but especially on Mondays. I hope you enjoy this latest glimpse into the pizza passionate lifestyle. Thank you to all subscribe and share! It is most appreciated. Thank you for helping grow the channel! Love you all. Keep the pizza dreams alive. One love.
For this bake in the Ooni I’m using the recipe in my homemade sourdough pizza dough recipe and how to. If you’re using store bought dough check out my video on How to Make Store Bought Dough Awesome. If you enjoyed please subscribe to the Santa Barbara Baker YouTube Channel and share with your pizza friends and fam. Thank you and much love to all that have!
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