Brussels Sprouts and Bacon Pizza | Recipe & Ooni Pizza Oven How To

Brussels sprouts are an all-time favorite seasonal topping for me. In the colder months I can’t get enough of them. Make sure to roast up some extra in case the munchies hit while the oven is heating. Paired with the always amazing Nueske’s Applewood Smoked Bacon and Roasted Garlic this is an absolutely delicious pizza. I show you how I bake it up in the Ooni Koda 16.
For this bake in my Ooni Pizza Oven. I’m using the recipe in my homemade sourdough pizza dough recipe and how to. If you’re using store bought dough check out my video on How to Make Store Bought Dough Awesome. If you enjoyed please subscribe to the Santa Barbara Baker YouTube Channel and share with your pizza friends and fam. Thank you and much love to all that have!
Brussels Sprouts and Bacon Pizza
- 2-3 cups Brussels Sprouts Quartered, loose leaves reserved. I like smaller Brussels sprouts for pizza. Save any leaves that fall off as you break them down.
- 2 strips Bacon Par-cooked, I render the bacon to about 60% cooked. In the video I'm using Nueske's Applewood Smoked Bacon
- 6 cloves Roasted Garlic I roast whole heads of garlic wrapped in foil in a 375f oven for about 45 minutes to and hour.
- 100 g Fresh Mozzarella Cheese
- 1/4 cup Coarsely Grated Parmesan or other hard grating cheese
- Olive Oil
- 1 dough ball Pizza Dough A naturally fermented (sourdough) recipe & guide. Easy yeasted thin & crispy pizza recipe. Using store bought dough? Check out my vid on How to Make Store Bought Dough Awesome!
Roasted Brussels Sprouts
- Preheat oven to 400f with fan on. Toss quartered Brussels sprouts with olive oil and season with salt and pepper.
- Roast until lightly charred, about 8 minutes. Let cool before topping pizza.
- Watch the video for the full how to!
- Preheat your Ooni Pizza Oven for at least 30 minutes, I like to heat the center of the oven deck to around 850f before loading this style of pizza.
- Begin building the pizza by adding the fresh mozzarella and parmesan to the stretched pizza dough.
- Top with roasted garlic cloves. Arranging so each slice gets a full clove.
- Let the crust set on a wire rack for a least 20 seconds. Drizzle with additional olive oil if desired. Slice, serve immediately. I serve my pizza on this 14" Wooden Pizza Peel.
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